
By: Anne: Meet The Playnetball Team – playnetball

1. Tell us about yourself.
I live in the depths of South West Wales and can see the coast from my kitchen sink, which I love. Born in Glasgow, moved to London after graduating in Computer Information Systems, met wonderful friends and future husband. We’ve just celebrated 20 years married and we have 4 kids – YEAH I’m that old!! 


2. What does your job at entail?
We are a small admin team and my role involves liaising with the schools, the umpires, updating the website, chasing netballers for money, as well as the finance side of running a business.


3. Are you a sporty person?
At the tender age of 10 I was Scottish Baton Twirling Champion – I’ve yet to reach these lofty heights again. I am competitive but these days I love zumba / zumba step and yoga –  I’ve found a fab instructor in Wales that just zen’s me out. 


4. You live in Wales, but what’s your favourite thing about visiting London?
Having lived in London, you really don’t take advantage of the array of stuff that goes on but as a tourist – it’s brill. I am a song and dance girl at heart and I could watch musicals every day and never get bored. If you haven’t seen 42nd Street ,GO! It will make you want to take up tap dancing.


5. Can you tell us about the time you went on a Playnetball tour? 
Before I started working for Playnetball, I went along to Spain on the tour as my hubbie played in the league. I’ve not played netball since I was 14 so I went along as a spectator and sipped ice cold cocktails whilst all the netballers ran about all sweaty in the heat. The mad netballers even played netball in the pool.


6. How did you get involved with
As I mentioned my hubbie used to play with playnetball and he had a bro-mance with the founder of playnetball, Steve and when Steve was looking to move onto pastures new, and I’d recently been made redundant. He asked me and we figured out which parts of the job I could run from Wales which was back in March 2015. The bro-mance still continues with my nickname for Steve being my hubbie’s London wife!


7. What makes your laugh?
I have the same sense of humor as a 7 year, so I pretty much laugh at anyone doing stupid things, falling over, running into stuff etc. I’m also a bit of a geek and laugh at The Big Bang Theory and all the Marvel movies – if only I could watch Robert Downey Jr everyday.


8. How do you spend your weekends?
Since I’ve stopped growing kids I’ve taken to growing vegetables and most weekends I’m kneeling in muck trying to eradicate slugs from my garden. I’m also a fan of making stuff and try my hand at most crafts with varying degrees of success. My poor friends have been subjected to my home made gifts for years! I’m an avid reader and would like nothing more that reading my book for hours on end.


 Thanks Anne. To read more interviews from our staff and umpires click here


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